Missoula Trap and Skeet is looking for people to work our Trap and Skeet leagues. The pay is $12 per hour with a bonus for working an entire 8 or 10 week league.
This is part-time work generally on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. We also have shifts on Sunday afternoons.
If you are interested in working, come to the club on Sunday at 12pm or on Tuesday at 5pm to apply. You can also fill out our contact form. Please include your full name, a contact phone number, and your interest in working.
If you've never tried trap or skeet shooting before, you're missing out. Not only is it a great way to improve your aim, but it can also be a blast to play. Whether you want to try it out solo or get competitive with friends and family, you're sure to have a good time at Missoula Trap & Skeet Club.
If it's your first time shooting, you'll want to understand the difference between trap and skeet shooting so you can choose the activity that's right for you. Contact us today to learn more about the activities we have at our shooting range.
If you're a pro at 5 Stand, we can't wait to see what you've got when you visit our range. If it's your first time shooting, we'll make sure you're comfortable and have a good understanding of the rules. Our team has years of shooting range experience, and we are proud to share fun activities at our range for all to enjoy. Our range is a 501 C-7 membership club comprised of volunteers. If you love the sport and want to become a member, our annual membership fee is just $50, which includes all our social activities.
Contact us today to learn more about our upcoming games.
You'd be surprised how many amazing benefits skeet and trap shooting provide. If you've never tried the sport before we have a number of instructors and guns available at no charge. Try out Trap, Skeet, and 5 Stand and see which you like the best. We pride ourselves on providing a wholesome family atmosphere where you will feel comfortable bringing the kids. We look forward to seeing you at the club. Regardless of which sport you participate in, shooting will:
If you're ready to have a fun time while improving your strength and stamina, visit our shooting range today to try skeet or trap shooting. Contact us now to find out about upcoming games.
Call Us
Phone: (406) 549-4815
We need new blood for the Monday Gang. These are mostly retired men and women that meet early on Monday morning and stock the houses with targets and empty trash barrels but there's always time for coffee and conversation. In addition, many Monday Gang members choose to shoot Trap or Skeet at a reduced rate. This won't take much time out of your Monday morning so please consider giving a hand